Blizzard Admits Mistakes in Diablo 4 Patch--How to Save Your Diablo 4 Experience After a Bad Patch

Jul. 25, 2023 / Updated by Eloise to Gaming Solutions


Diablo 4 is one of the most anticipated games of 2023, but it has also been plagued by a series of problems since its launch. The latest issue is the patch 1.1.0a, which was supposed to prepare the game for the first season of content, the Season of the Malignant, but instead caused a lot of frustration and anger among the players. We will explain what the patch 1.1.0a did and why it caused a lot of complaints from the players. Also, we will summarize Blizzard’s response to the backlash and their plans to fix the issues. Before a subsequent fix is available, you can see what you can do to improve the current gameplay experience.

1. The Problems with Patch 1.1.0a

The patch 1.1.0a introduced new unique items and legendary aspects for each class, as well as bug fixes and balance changes. However, many players felt that the patch nerfed some classes too much, especially the Sorcerer, and made the game less fun and challenging. Many players expressed their disappointment and dissatisfaction with Blizzard on social media and forums, calling the patch a disaster and a failure. Some of the complaints include:

  • The Sorcerer’s Fireball skill was reduced from 2.5 to 1.5 damage per second, making it much weaker than other skills.

  • The Sorcerer’s Meteor skill was reduced from 10 to 5 damage per second, making it less effective for clearing large groups of enemies.

  • The Sorcerer’s Teleport Enchantment was changed from a free skill to a cooldown-based skill, limiting its mobility and utility.

  • The Barbarian’s Whirlwind skill was reduced from 3 to 2 damage per second, making it less powerful and satisfying.

  • The Barbarian’s Leap skill was reduced from 4 to 3 damage per second, making it less impactful and versatile.

  • The Druid’s Poison Creeper skill was reduced from 2 to 1 damage per second, making it less potent and reliable.

  • The Druid’s Landslide skill was reduced from 6 to 4 damage per second, making it less devastating and impressive.

  • The Necromancer’s Bone Storm skill was reduced from 3 to 2 damage per second, making it less deadly and durable.

  • The Necromancer’s Blood Lance skill was reduced from 5 to 3 damage per second, making it less lethal and precise.

  • The Rogue’s Penetrating Shot skill was reduced from 4 to 3 damage per second, making it less piercing and accurate.

  • The Rogue’s Evasion skill was reduced from 50% to 40% chance to dodge attacks, making it less agile and safe.

These are just some of the examples of how the patch 1.1.0a affected the gameplay and performance of Diablo 4. 

2. Blizzard’s Apology and Promise

Blizzard responded to the backlash by issuing an apology and promising to fix the issues as soon as possible. In a blog post on their website, Blizzard said:

We hear you loud and clear. We know that patch 1.1.0a did not meet your expectations and we sincerely apologize for that. We made some mistakes in our balance changes and we take full responsibility for them. We are working hard to address the feedback and make adjustments as needed. We appreciate your patience and support as we try to make Diablo 4 the best game it can be.”

Blizzard also said that they will release a hotfix patch in the next few days that will revert some of the changes made in patch 1.1.0a and improve some of the aspects that were not well received by the players. They also said that they will continue to monitor the game and listen to the community for future updates.

3. How to Save Your Diablo 4 Experience After a Bad Patch

If you are one of the players who suffered from patch 1.1.0a or any other issue in Diablo 4, you might be wondering if there is anything you can do to improve your game experience. Well, there is one thing that you might have overlooked: updating your drivers.

Having outdated or corrupted drivers can cause various problems in your games, such as low FPS, crashes, freezes, glitches, errors, etc. However, updating drivers manually can be tedious and risky, as you might download the wrong or incompatible drivers or encounter malware or viruses.

That’s why we recommend using a driver update tool like Driver Talent. It is a professional and reliable driver updater that can scan your computer for any driver issues and update them automatically with one click. It can also backup and restore your drivers, fix any driver-related errors, and optimize your drivers for better gaming performance.

With Driver Talent, you can enjoy Diablo 4 without worrying about driver problems. You can also boost your FPS, reduce lag, improve graphics quality, and enhance sound effects.

Download Driver Talent

Step 1: Launch Driver Talent and click on the Scan button to detect any driver issues.


Step 2: Click on the Update button to update or fix your drivers.


Step 3: Restart your computer to apply the changes.


Diablo 4 is a great game that deserves better than a bad patch. Blizzard has admitted their mistakes and promised to fix them, but it might take some time before the game is fully balanced and polished. In the meantime, you can use a driver update tool like Driver Talent to improve your game experience and performance. 

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